Laura's Leap

Taking the leap to explore Kingdom reality and be part of the great converstion

Sunday, June 12, 2005


So here I am desperatly crying out to God to somehow teach me how to obtain access to the Kingdom of God, to somehow appropriate all He has taught me. I want to heal the sick, prophecy over the hurting and raise the dead, but I have trouble having the faith I need just for the day to day stuff
My son is headed off to college and I am having a hard time with his traveling across country alone.
We recently went to Charlotte NC and attended a service at Morning Star where the ministry team had an incredibly accurate word about my sons future. He wasn't sure where to go to college and one lady told him ahead of time what he'd be doing without our ever saying a word.
Therefore, I should have complete confidence in God that He has all under control, He has a plan and a purpose for my sons life, and yet I am afraid to let him go.
Why is it so easy to have faith for a complete stranger, to reach for the moon with faith, but it becomes nearly impossible to trust God with those closest you?


  • At 12:21 PM, Blogger MaryAnn Mease said…

    dunno...but i do know he has planted you in my life for a definite reason.

    You give me words of LIFE in regards to my "closest and dearest" and I will be there to remind YOU of God's promises to keep and sustain your kids and dear ones.

    God has big plans for your son. He is a great young man about to embark on a dream. Its part of the giant chess board that God is arranging in these times. Its part of His Plan. Your son will be kept according to His Plan and its fulfillment and not one hair of his head will be miscounted or lost. God knows.

    We are accessing the Kingdom. We just need those Heavenly Goggles to see it sometimes.

    love you lots!!

  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger Laura said…


    Thank you, my friend

    You are such an encouragement to me!

  • At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    checkin to see if you can be anonymous...

    and i am reminding you to DREAM BIG..ASK BIG...


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